UNNAMED DAD is out on bail after being charged with "grievous bodily harm and assault occasioning bodily harm" in two incidents involving his 21-month-old son, who was hospitalized in intensive care. Dad is accused of slapping the child at least 30 times, which caused brusing and swelling, and then two days later, shoving the child to the ground. The little boy passed out when the back of his head hit the floor.
Father accused of bashing son
Zane Jackson 8th September 2009
AN ESK man who allegedly pushed and repeatedly slapped his 21-month-old son, which put the toddler in intensive care, was given bail in Ipswich Magistrates Court yesterday.
The 20-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was charged on Father's Day with grievous bodily harm and assault occasioning bodily harm after the two incidents that left his son hospitalised.
Police Prosecutor Sergeant John Nelson told the court the child was rushed from Esk Hospital to Ipswich Hospital and again on to the Mater Hospital in Brisbane following the alleged attacks.
In opposing an application for bail by the defendant, Mr Nelson said the man allegedly made disclosures to police about the two incidents.
The first alleged incident occurred on September 3, when the accused returned to his Esk home after work and had some alcoholic drinks.
He then tried to change his child's nappy, but when the toddler was not co-operative he allegedly slapped the child 30 times with an open hand, causing swelling and bruising.
The man's partner then took the child to a different room.
Two days later he allegedly pushed his son with two hands in the chest, forcing the 21-month-old to hit the back of his head on the floor and pass out.
The child had to be resuscitated in hospital before being transferred to the Brisbane Mater Hospital's intensive care unit.
The man's partner was in court to hear the proceedings.
Mr Nelson opposed a bail objection lodged by the defendant, and said the man's recent arrival in Queensland from interstate meant he was a risk of not appearing at future court dates if he was not in custody.
The defendant did not enter a plea, and his defence said he should be given bail because he was co-operative with police.
Magistrate Haydn Stjernqvist granted the man bail, and said he was satisfied the child would be safe because of the intervention by Department of Communities' child safety officers.
Part of the conditions of bail include reporting to Esk police three times a week.
The defendant will appear in court again on October 28.