Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dad accused of murdering 4-year-old son (Nuku'alofa, Tonga)

Dad SIONE TALIA'ULI is accused of murdering his 4-year-old son. The boy had been hospitalized with heavy bruising.

Father accused of murdering 4-year-old son

14 Sep 2009, 18:25

Nuku'alofa, Tonga:

SIONE Talia'uli (30), appeared at the Fasi Magistrate's Court this morning charged with the murder of his four-year-old son, at Popua last week.

Police Magistrate Samiu Palu adjourned the case to Monday, September 21 so that the accused could get a legal counsel. He remains in custody at the Nuku'alofa Central Police Station.

The Police confirmed last week that a four-year-old boy died on Tuesday, September 9 at Vaiola Hospital after being rushed to hospital on September 8 suffering from heavy bruises.