UNNAMED DAD says he was "helping a friend who had run out of gas." That's why his 5-year-old son was found wandering around the middle of a highway shortly before midnight. The child is now "staying with family members," and Dad has been charged with first-degree criminal abuse. No mention of Mom. Single dad?
Child found walking alone at night on U.S. 460
By Brittany Davenport
Advocate staff writer
A 34-year-old local man is facing a criminal abuse charge after his 5-year-old child was reportedly found walking alone on U.S. 460 shortly before midnight Sept. 2, according to Mt. Sterling Police Capt. David Charles.
A local resident noticed a child walking in the middle of the road by the bowling alley, after reportedly swerving to avoid hitting the child.
The citizen brought the child in to the police station where the child remained for more than an hour before police were able to find the responsible party.
After talking with the child and finding out the child’s school district, officers were able to contact the school’s resource officer and cross reference the information to locate the child’s home. Upon arrival, officers found the door to the child’s home open and no one there, Charles said.
The child’s father, Micheal J. Spence of 18 Tipton Trailer Court, claims he left his house and in order to help a friend who had run out of gas.
Spence was arrested and charged with first degree criminal abuse. He is in custody at the Montgomery County Regional Jail on a $15,000 bond.
The child has been staying with family members following the incident, Charles said.