UNNAMED DAD with weekend visitation rights wasn't content to just go to the park with his 7-year-old son and toss a ball around or play on the swings. No, he manipulates the kid into approaching strange women and asking if they'd like to meet his dad so he could have a mother. Then, it seems, the kid was instructed to cry if the woman refused. Glad to see that other men in the park found this repulsive, too--not just the women--and confronted Dad about it. Dad has now been arrested on disorderly conduct charges.
Police: Mich. father used son, 7, to pick up women
Associated Press
10:35 AM CDT, August 11, 2009
UTICA, Mich. - Authorities say a 48-year-old Utica man faces a disorderly conduct charge after he used his 7-year-old son to try and meet women in a park.
Utica police Detective Sgt. David Faber says the man instructed his son on Sunday evening to ask women "if they would like to meet his dad so he could have a mother." When the women in suburban Detroit's Grant Park "would refuse, the boy would get upset and cry."
Faber said the women rejected the suspect. But his ploy unsettled several men in the park and led to a confrontation.
The man was arrested and posted a $100 bond. He is scheduled to appear in court within 10 days.
The suspect told police he is divorced and has weekend visitation rights.
Police will notify Macomb County Child Protective Services.