Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dad pleads guilty to killing mom, unborn child (Mansfield, Louisiana)

Dad LEE ARTHUR ALLEN has pleaded guilty to shooting and killing his ex-girlfriend and her unborn child (the unborn child was just two weeks from delivery). The baby was "his" according to DNA tests--not that DNA really means that much in terms of being a caring father in a child's life.

Man pleads guilty to killing ex-girlfriend and her unborn child
By Vickie Welborn • • August 10, 2009

MANSFIELD – A Sabine Parish man, who in November 2007 shot and killed his ex-girlfriend and her unborn child, today escaped the possibility of a death sentence by pleading guilty in DeSoto District Court to first-degree murder.

In exchange for the plea, Lee Arthur Allen, 29, was sentenced to life in prison without the benefit of parole, probation or suspension of sentence.

Allen has been jailed since his arrest in the shooting death of Kawanna Thomas, 24, of Shreveport, and her unborn daughter, who was about two weeks from delivery. DNA tests later confirmed the child was Allen’s.

Thomas was shot at least seven times – with two bullets striking the unborn child – and left alongside of Bob Wilson Road in a rural area in south DeSoto Parish near the parish lines shared with Sabine and Natchitoches parishes. The murder happened after Thomas, Allen and his new girlfriend, Willa Kelly, argued.

A charge of first-degree murder is pending against Kelly, 27, of Many. Kelly is the one who led authorities to the body after Allen confessed to investigators.