Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dad hits mom while uncle steals 2-year-old child (Pleasanton, California)

My general rule of thumb: When the abducting parent (in this case dad DIAMANTE DUNN) assaults the mom as part of the abduction, Dad's motives are not centered around the well-being of the child, but around controlling and abusing the mother. You don't think a 2-year-old is traumatized by seeing his mommy hit in the head? Do you think Dad even cares? I don't.

08/19/2009 09:26 PM

Father Hits Mother While Uncle Steals the Child

A mother and her child were driving with the intention of visiting a friend in Pleasanton. As she pulled up to a stop sign at Holland Drive, the father of their child approached the car window and slapped her head while his brother grabbed the child.

It has been alleged that Dimiante Dunn, 18, then took the boy into his car, a 1988 Oldsmobile; police do not as yet have the registration number. This case is now on orange light alert.

Police confirmed by saying that a Dublin woman was driving with her son, 2, to a friend's house in Pleasanton about 5 a.m. when she reached a stop sign at Holland Drive and Payne Road, a quarter-mile west of Hopyard Road.