Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dad arrested after 1-year-old son found on streets at 1 AM (Phoenix, Arizona)

Dad JOSE LEON had apparently tipped back a few while at home one evening, and failed to notice that his 1-year-old son had left the house and was wandering the streets. The boy was found at 1 AM. It took at least 3 hours before Dad sobered up enough to notice the boy's absence. Not a word about Mom. Single dad? Wish the reporters would find out.

1-year-old boy found alone on street; dad arrested
by Michael Ferraresi - Aug. 3, 2009 03:12 PM
The Arizona Republic

A Phoenix man was arrested after his 1-year-old son was found wandering alone on a city street at about 1 in the morning, authorities said.

Officers found the toddler near 37th and Northern avenues early Sunday morning after a citizen called police to report the child in a diaper wandering alone, according to James Holmes, a Phoenix police spokesman.

Officers searched the area and knocked on doors to locate the boy's family to no avail. He was taken to a nearby hospital and later released to Arizona Child Protective Services.

Jose Leon, 27, was arrested around 4 a.m. Sunday after he called to report his child missing. "(Officers) went over and they were able to determine he had been drinking, at least earlier in the evening, had lost contact with the child," Holmes said.

Leon was booked on a count of child neglect, Holmes said.