Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Monday, July 20, 2009

Son survives attempted murder-suicide by father (Clover, South Carolina)

Father GARY GWINN shot his wife and teenage son, before shooting himself. The son has survived.

Investigators: Son Survives Murder-Suicide Committed By Clover Father
Posted: 5:41 am EDT July 20, 2009Updated: 10:35 am EDT July 20, 2009

CLOVER, S.C. -- York County authorities say a man shot his wife and teenage son before turning a hand gun on himself late Sunday.

Investigators said 46-year-old Gary Gwinn shot 44-year-old Sharon Gwinn and 21-year-old Brenton Gwinn at about 10 p.m. at their home in Clover on Old Cedar Circle off Timber Creek Drive.

Brenton Gwinn was struck in the abdomen and survived. He is now in fair condition at Carolinas Medical Center.

Gary and Sharon Gwinn were both pronounced dead at the scene.

Deputies said Gary Gwinn is the person that called 911 to report the shootings before killing himself. Deputies said although the family was obviously having problems, authorities had not responded to any previous domestic-related calls at the home.

Authorities said the couple has another college-age son who was not home at the time of the shootings.