Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Father and son charged with assaulting 2 police officers (Malta)

It's cases like this that really make you wonder whether all kids need two parents all the time.

Father ANTHONY VASSALLO apparently provided a less than bang-up job of modeling anger management for his son. Both have been charged with assaulting two police officers. So what set these guys off? Somebody asked them to move their car. Okaaay.

Court: Father and son charged with assaulting police on ferry

Two men were yesterday charged with assaulting two police officers on the Gozo ferry on Sunday.

Anthony Vassallo, 61, and his son Clint, 23, pleaded not guilty to seriously injuring police sergeant Mario Pace and WPC Margherita Aqulina. It is understood that the fight broke out after a couple in a car requested the two men to move their car slightly to allow a woman out of the said vehicle which was blocked by a beam.

The two men were also charged with resisting arrest and breaching the peace. The court released them on bail against a deposit of e2,500 and a personal guarantee of e2,500 each. Police inspector Mario Pace prosecuted while Dr Manwel Mallia and Dr Arthur Azzopardi appeared for the accused.