Father WALTER PANKIEWIEZ is accused of beating his 9-year-old daughter with a strap because she gave away her sweater.
From the archives of the New York Times, August 25, 1922.
Father Accused by His Wife of Strapping Daughter.
Charged with beating his 9-year-old daughter with a strap because she gave her sweater to a playmate, Walter Pankiewiez of 375 East Kinney Street; Newark, was held in $1,000 bail for Grand Jury action by Acting Judge Yuill in the Third Precinct Police Court yesterday.
Pankiewiez was arrested on complaint of his wife, Ludwika, who alleges that her husband beat their daughter, Wanda, because of her kindness to a chum. The child is now under a doctor's care in her home suffering from numberous bruises and lacerations said to be the result of the beating.
When brought before Acting Judge Yuill the prisoner said:
"I don't like the way the girl has been doing things. She gives away everything."