Father SAMUEL SEJOUR, who had "shared custody" of his 3-month-old son with the baby's mother, has been arrested for murder. The baby died from a "non-accidental" skull fracture and brain injuries.
This case highlights the insanity of "shared custody" (especially of infants). Note that in this case, the baby had been with Daddy a WHOLE WEEK. How many dads can really manage infant care for this long without freaking out over "crying" or "dirty diapers"? Not as many as the fathers rights-inspired media would have you believe.
East Naples man accused of killing infant
By WINK News
Story Created: Jul 8, 2009 at 5:27 PM EDT
Story Updated: Jul 8, 2009 at 11:53 PM EDT
EAST NAPLES, Fla. - Nearly seven months after the death of an East Naples infant, deputies arrest his father for murder.
Three--month-old Elijah Kye Eliazar died of brain injuries from a non-accidental skull fracture back in January. After months of investigating and waiting on autopsy results, detectives say the baby's father, 20-year-old Samuel Sejour was arrested on charges of second degree murder and child abuse in Fort Lauderdale Wednesday afternoon.
Sejour and the baby's teenage mother shared custody of Elijah. Deputies say the baby had been with Sejour for a week, when he called 911, saying that the baby was sick and not breathing on January 23rd.
Elijah died a week later at Lee Memorial Health Park.
Detectives tell us they began their investigation immediately, but needed to wait for autopsy results before making an arrest.
"That was suspected through cat scans originally done when treated, but you can't definitively say that there's a fracture til you actually get it to the autopsy and are able to get in there and take a look and see what's going on," Collier County Sheriff's Detective William Still says.
Sejour is expected to be brought back to Collier in the next day or two.