UNNAMED Dad is charged with aggravated assault against his 7-week-old son.
Saanich man to stand trial in case of shaken baby
Times Colonist
July 9, 2009
A 24-year-old Saanich man, charged with aggravated assault in connection with injuries sustained by his seven week-old son, has been ordered to stand trial in B.C. Supreme Court on July 29.
The father, who cannot be named because a publication ban is in place to protect the identity of the baby, was arrested in July 2008 after he and his wife brought their baby to a clinic for treatment.
Clinic staff immediately called an ambulance to transport the baby to hospital. The next day, after doctors examined the infant, the Ministry of Children and Family Development asked police to conduct an investigation into the child's injuries.
Last July, Saanich police Sgt. John Price said members of the child abuse team interviewed both parents at police headquarters. The 22-year-old mother was released. The father was arrested and held in custody over the weekend.
The couple have no other children. The father has no previous criminal record.
The baby, whose injuries are consistent with shaken baby syndrome, was being cared for in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Victoria General Hospital. He is now believed to be cared for by his mother.
The father's strict bail conditions include a no-contact order with the infant, except when a ministry worker is present. Last year, the father was ordered to attend Forensic Psychiatric Services for depression.
The accused is not allowed to have any weapons and must not consume drugs or alcohol. He is also banned from having contact with any child under the age of 16.