Dad ANTHONY PAUL SPORISH was frustrated because his 6-month-old son was crying. So Dad shoved the baby hard enough to fall out of his baby swing.
Dad sentenced for shoving infant
Judge gives father 10 years in prison despite plea from victim's mother
Despite the victim's mother asking that he be set free, a Sioux Falls man was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison for child abuse.
Anthony Paul Sporish, 25, admitted he pushed his crying 6-month-old son hard enough that he fell out of a baby swing in their apartment."I really didn't recognize what I was doing at the time," Sporish said. "Yes, I was a little frustrated, obviously. But it was not my intention to harm my son."
Deputy Minnehaha County State's Attorney Hope Matchan said Sporish is lucky the child's injuries were not more serious. The child appears to have recovered, but a doctor who examined him said developmental disabilities could show up later."He is ... a very lucky man and we could certainly be dealing with a much more serious situation," she said.
When Sporish pleaded guilty in May, prosecutors agreed to a maximum of 10 years in prison.
But the child's mother, Rebecca Henry, asked that Sporish be allowed to return to work to support her and their three children."My kids miss him so much," she said. "I don't believe that he did it intentionally."
Circuit Judge Joseph Neiles said he wanted to issue a sentence that protects the victim. The child will be almost 6 years old when Sporish is first eligible for parole.
"This is an extremely serious case," Neiles said.