Daddy MICHAEL HAYNES was inside a bar, no doubt having a cold one, while his child was out in the car, baking in the Arizona heat. As bar employees were getting the child out of the car (thank God for angels!), Dad managed to stumble outside. Was he contrite? Embarrassed about his poor parental decision making? Nah. This guy has the nerve to get belligerent about the whole thing. Ends up getting tasered by the cops.
Wonder if this was one of those scenarios where Dad was supposed to be babysitting while Mom was at work....
Child in distress in hot car while father was in bar
05:08 PM Mountain Standard Time on Monday, July 13, 2009
Alicia E. BarrĂ³n /
A man is accused of going into a bar and leaving his child in a hot car.
It happened at about 10 p.m. on Saturday at the RT O’Sullivan’s parking lot in the 6600 block of E. Superstition Springs Boulevard.
Before fire crews arrived on the scene, bar employees were able to get into the car through a window and get the child out.
A man came out of the bar during the rescue and told police he was the child’s father. Police say Michael Haynes became irrational and would not follow officers’ verbal orders.
Haynes reportedly clenched his fist before he was taken down by officers in front of a large crowd. Haynes continued to disobey officers’ orders and was tasered in order for police to take him into custody. He faces child abuse and resisting arrest charges.