Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Friday, July 31, 2009

Dad assaults 2-year-old for having potty training accident (Ambridge, Pennsylvania)

Dad DENNIS MILLER has been arrested on charges of aggravated assault for beating his 2-year-old son with a belt because the little boy had a potty training accident. Note that the father is separated/divorced from the mother who lives in another city, but that he still tried to blame the injuries on her. After that didn't go down (maybe because it didn't make any sense), Dad confessed. The new girlfriend sounds like a total enabler. Hopefully, whatever custodial and/or visitation rights this father had will be ended pronto. Babies and toddlers don't need joint custody or visitation. They need consistent, decent care.

Research shows that too many male caretakers have no coping skills when it comes to diapers and potty training. That, and crying infants. Both seem to be major triggers for abuse.

Police: Father Confesses To Beating Ambridge Boy, 2, With Belt
Posted: 3:39 pm EDT July 30, 2009
Updated: 7:49 am EDT July 31, 2009

AMBRIDGE, Pa. -- A father is accused of viciously beating his child at an Ambridge apartment complex.

Dennis Miller was arrested and faces charges, including aggravated assault, after police said he inflicted belt marks all over his 2-year-old son’s body on Wednesday.

According to police, every inch of the child’s body was injured.

“This is a horrific case of abuse,” said Chief Mark Romutis of the Ambridge Police Department. “Belt marks with circular patterns everywhere on his head, body, arms and legs.”

Police said Miller initially blamed the child’s mother, who lives in Philadelphia, and then later claimed the child hit his head in the tub.

The father finally confessed, according to police.

“He said that the child urinated in the bedroom on the floor, and he just lost it,” said Romutis.

When Channel 11 News went to the apartment on Thursday, a woman opened the door, saying she was the suspect’s girlfriend. She didn’t want to go on camera but said that Miller did not hurt his child.

Police don’t buy the remarks though. They said they seized a woman’s belt inside the apartment, saying it matched up exactly to the child’s injuries.

The child is at Children’s Hospital. A condition has not been released, but sources told Channel 11 News he’s in bad shape.