Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Monday, July 13, 2009

2-year-old found alone in street in the middle of night; dad facing child abuse charges (Colorado Springs, Colorado)

UNNAMED DAD is charged with misdemeanor child abuse after his two-year-old son is found standing in the middle of a road in the middle of the night. Dad had apparently not even been home. Based on this little tyke's confusion about where he lived--e.g. Mommy's house has a white garage, etc.--it sure sounds like this a visitation/custody-related mess. We'll see if more information comes out.

Child Found In Dark Intersection, Father Facing Child Abuse

Posted: 12:31 PM Jul 12, 2009
Last Updated: 8:07 PM Jul 12, 2009
Reporter: Lauri Martin

A two-year-old is found sitting in the middle of the road, in the middle of the night. Now, his father is facing child abuse charges.

The toddler was found Saturday night, standing on Meadow Ridge Drive, just a few feet away from a busy Austin Bluffs in the northeast end of the Springs.

A couple was driving home from a BBQ at midnight when they found a boy with a pacifier in his mouth just standing there in the middle of the westbound lane.

"I turned the corner and I see something out of the corner of my eye. I honked my horn. I thought it was an animal or a dog, but when I got closer, I saw it was a kid," says Shea Jenness. He and his wife, Nicolette, immediately pulled over.

"He was scared and went right to me. I asked if I could hold him. He put his arms right to me and I carried him."

The couple took the two-year-old to their cousin's house up the road and called the cops. They asked the little boy questions, trying to figure out where he came from.

"Mommy had a blue car, her house has a white garage. Mommy was wearing red and orange,” the boy told Jessica Carter, Shea and Nicolette’s cousin. He was also able to tell them he had French fries for dinner.

Two hours after the little boy was found standing in the middle of the road, Springs police found his father at home in the same neighborhood. They say the boy had been left alone at home for some period of time. The father, Kyle Robertson, was ticketed with misdemeanor child abuse.

We haven't been able to get information on where the mother was.

For now, the Department of Human Services is taking care of the little boy.