Killer Dads: Fathers who ended their children's lives in situations involving child custody, visitation, and/or child support
Linn County
Victim(s): Kamryn (17 months)
Date of Death: March 2010
In July 2011, custodial father charged in daughter’s beating death. Girlfriend also charged. Father had obtained “exclusive custody” just weeks before daughter’s death. Evidently, has never been any media report on how or why father gained custody, or who gave it to him. At one point, mother filed wrongful death suit, then it was abruptly withdrawn. In December 2012, father found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, child endangerment, and sentenced up to 55 years in prison.
Taylor County
Victim(s): Janiya King (3 years)
Date of Death: May 2015
Father, girlfriend arrested in death of daughter, who died from severe burns. Reported that two weeks had elapsed between girl's injuries and her death, but custodial situation not explained. No mention of the mother or her whereabouts. Later stated that girl had been visiting. Dad convicted of murder in February 2015.